NAPS crest_black background NO DASH.png
  • Chief of Police Roland Morrison

  • NAPS is the largest First Nations police service in Canada

  • NAPS is the 2nd largest First Nations police service in North America.

  • NAPS employs over 230 uniform officers and 40 civilians.

  • NAPS polices 34 communities across the NAN territory which encompasses nearly 2/3 of the Province of Ontario. Thunder Bay to Hudson's Bay; Manitoba to Quebec.

  • NAPS is the 2nd only police service in Ontario to have its own operational plane. It flew 876 hours in 2006.

  • NAPS' officers are sworn Constables with authority throughout the Province of Ontario.

  • Salary and benefits at NAPS are consistent with the top 10 police services in Ontario.

  • Training and promotional opportunities at NAPS are abundant.

  • There are several tribal affiliations within NAN which result in 3 distinct languages including: Ojibwe, Oji-Cree and Cree.

  • There is great diversity in culture and structure of committees in the NAN territory.

  • NAPS has operational linkages to federal, provincial and municipal police services.

  • NAPS is larger than 50 other police services in Ontario. *MCSCS, 2006

  • NAPS is the 20th largest police service in Ontario. *MCSCS, 2006